Our Groups
The Adult choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings and sings at worship services from September to June. Singers of all skill levels are welcome to join the choir.
Men's Group
The Men’s Group meets every other month for breakfast on a Saturday. The members perform service for the church and local community including, but not limited to, the Adopt-a-Highway litter pick-up on two miles of Route 268 that run north and south of the church building.
Golden Links
Founded in 1927, the Golden Links Class, a women’s group, serves our church and the local community by offering fellowship events, raising funds for projects in the church and mission concerns, and by donating funds to members of the church and community when needs arise. They take food to bereaved families and organize funeral dinners.
The Board of Deacons is made up of men and women elected and ordained to carry out fellowship activities, congregational and community visitation, and ministries of compassion.
Christmas in Cowansville
Let’s Do Christmas is our congregation’s December outreach. Members of the community look forward to the Live Nativity, complete with animals including a camel, the food, the fellowship, the music, a learning center for children, a visit with Santa who shares the original Christmas story, and all-around holiday spirit.
Our annual Christmas mission takes different forms from year to year, but always involves helping those in need at the holiday season. Some years we buy presents for children and their families who won’t get much otherwise for Christmas. Some years we support efforts such as the local domestic abuse shelter and a shelter for the homeless in Pittsburgh. Whatever we choose, the congregation always comes through in a big way.
Other Outreach
Food Pantry
Our food pantry was established in the mid-1980's and serves people in need of the congregation and community. It runs entirely on donations, and is handled with confidentiality. Recently we added a Blessings Box outside the church in the spirit of - "Take what you need, leave what you can." We are a small, nimble operation with little red-tape. We deliver help in a hurry where it is needed.
Adopt a Highway
Adopt-a-Highway litter pick-up is a service we offer to the local community. Four times a year, members of the church, led by the Men’s group, walk the 2.2 miles of Route 268 assigned to us, picking up litter, thereby caring for God’s creation.
Presbyterian Council on Chaplains and Military Personnel
The Presbyterian Council on Chaplains and Military Personnel is a national organization of the Presbyterian Church, USA. It vets, trains, and endorses chaplains for active duty, the reserves, Veteran’s hospitals, and prison ministries. By supporting PCCMP, our congregation supports the largest young adult ministry in the denomination.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is a mission of the Presbyterian Church, USA. By supporting PDA, our congregation helps put "boots on the ground" in communities around our country and throughout the world when disasters strike and supports community re-building efforts until the job is done.
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Come and Join Us:
824 East Brady Road, Cowansville Postage: PO Box 217 Cowansville, PA 16218 Phone: 724-548-5758 |