Adult Sunday School:
Sundays from 9:45-10:30am. Choir Practice:
Sundays at 10:30am in the choir room. Eyeglass Collection:
The Worship Committee will be collecting old eyeglasses and non-prescription sunglasses to send to Uganda. If you have any to donate, please leave them in the basket located in the back of the church. |
Children's Sunday School:
Children will be excused to Sunday School following the Children’s Sermon on the first Sunday of each month. Next Meeting: 2/2/25 Food Cupboard:
As we move into the month of February we are highlighting proteins for the Food Pantry. Items like canned chicken, peanut butter, canned tuna, nuts, beans, legumes, and powdered milk are all good choices to donate. Thank you for your continued donations to the outreach efforts of the Food Pantry. Deacon’s Souper Bowl Soup Sale
Sunday, February 9th following worship. There is sign-up sheet for anyone wishing to participate in making soup. See any Deacon to provide you with the quart containers. Soup Sales are by donation only. |
Events In Action
The Gingerbread Project
Operation: Christmas Child Shoebox